Sun Mines Electrics is on a mission! Emergency repair of super large roots blower

A journey of more than 6,922 kilometers... A few years ago, we, 2 engineers and translators from Sun Mines Electrics , went to New Caledonia, a French resort next to Australia.

This trip is not for vacation, it's for customer service!

At that time, the customer bought four huge 600 Hp (450 Kw) Lu-style blowers. They bought them mysteriously and did not disclose too many details. It was not until we went for repairs that we discovered that these large blowers were intended for underground mining!

Due to the thermal expansion and contraction caused by the high temperature in the ground, the machine expands, and the rotor is stuck and unable to rotate...

When we received the customer's news, we decided to go to the scene in person, because only by going to the front line can we better judge and solve the problem immediately.

The group first went to South Korea for a transit, then flew across the Pacific Ocean, and finally came to this beautiful island!

We don the yellow uniforms and boots they provide, and survey and assess the site environment.

Due to the huge size of the machine, the master has to "manually" grind the leaf fan. Because it is manual grinding, the experience must be sufficient to be accurate.

Finally, after grinding for 3~4 days, the leaf fan finally turned successfully! !

After the task was successfully completed and seeing the customer's satisfied smile, we let go of the big stone in our hearts and returned to Taiwan with peace of mind.

Distance will not determine our service attitude, integrity and responsibility are our constant promises to customers!

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